Improve the curb appeal of your home or business with our driveway cleaning services.
Here in Lawrence, Kansas, the summers are hot and humid, and the winter snows lead to large amounts of runoff. All this excess moisture can encourage a lot of mold and algae to grow on the surfaces of driveways. The contracting and expanding of these driveway surfaces can also lead to cracks and blemishes that further encourage mold and algae growth. If you are tired of your driveway looking less than its best and being slippery with algae, give us a call here at O & S Cleaning Solutions and ask about our driveway cleaning services. Not only can we extend the life of your exterior surfaces, but we can also improve the curb appeal of your home or business.
When it comes to driveway cleaning, we have the equipment and training necessary to do it all:
- Residential driveway cleaning: Enjoy coming home at the end of each day after we thoroughly clean your driveway. We have the best equipment and effective cleansers that give you great results that last. If you are thinking of selling your house, cleaning the exterior can help you find a buyer fast and get the price you deserve.
- Commercial driveway cleaning: Keeping your driveway clean can help you attract clients and create a positive first impression of your business. Our commercial driveway cleaning can give your driveway a like-new look.
- Routine driveway cleaning: When you schedule regular driveway cleaning, you can be sure that your driveway will always look great. Regular cleaning also can extend the life of your surfaces.
Nobody cleans your house exterior better than O & S
If you want to learn more about our driveway cleaning or other services, give us a call today. We look forward to helping you keep the exterior of your home or business looking its best.
At O & S Cleaning Solutions, we offer driveway cleaning services in Manhattan, Fort Riley, Lawrence, Junction City, Topeka, Ogden, Saint George, Riley, Louisville, Westmoreland, and Belvue, Kansas.