Turn to us for power washing services that are safe and effective.
There are several reasons why you should turn to a professional for power washing services instead of attempting them on your own. At O & S Cleaning Solutions, we utilize innovative equipment and techniques that are gentle and safe, yet highly effective for everything from roof cleaning to rust removal. Our power washing services are going to give a far better result than anything you could do on your own given that home-use equipment isn’t as effective.
Another reason to use our power washing services is because you run the risk of damaging some surfaces with a standard power washer. The SoftWash™ system that we utilize is a low-pressure power washing technique that is safe for all exterior surfaces. This enables us to provide cleaning services for roofs, gutters, windows, siding, driveways, and more.
Our power washing services are available for residential and commercial properties in the Manhattan, Kansas area. With both aesthetic and functional benefits involved, you can protect your property and make it look its best. Another reason to put us in charge of your exterior cleaning needs is because you can use your free time for more enjoyable endeavors, not to mention being able to stay safely on the ground instead of on a ladder cleaning your roof, gutters, and second-floor windows.
If you would like to know more about our power washing services or would like to schedule services at your home or business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
At O & S Cleaning Solutions, we offer soft washing and power washing services in Manhattan, Fort Riley, Lawrence, Junction City, Topeka, Ogden, Saint George, Riley, Louisville, Westmoreland, and Belvue, Kansas.