Driveways, like all exterior surfaces, can sometimes use a little refresher. Here at O & S Cleaning Solutions, we offer unique driveway pressure washing services that will revitalize and refresh the surface of your driveway. We are able to remove stains, dirt, streaks and much more to make your driveway look and feel practically new. If you have streaking or staining on your driveway and are considering driveway pressure washing services, here are a few simple steps to help you get the surface ready to go:
- Clear the space. In order for driveway pressure washing to be a timely service, it helps to have the area cleared ahead of time. This means moving cars, outdoor toys, hoses, potted plants and any other obstacle off your driveway and walkway ahead of time. You might also consider using a leaf blower to remove any grasses or leaves from the area.
- Take care of shrubs or plant life. Shrubs and plant life can be damaged by pressure washing. If you have potted plants, move them away from the area or take them indoors. Shrubs might benefit from being covered with a tarp for protection.
- Keep pets and kids safe. Children are often fascinated by the driveway pressure washing process. Please keep your pets and children safely indoors or elsewhere so that they are kept safe from the process which can be dangerous.
- Be a good neighbor. Driveway pressure washing involves a bit of noise from the pump and compressor. Be a good neighbor by alerting nearby homes and units of our services, as well as where worker’s vehicles might be parked.
We hope that these tips have been helpful. If you are considering driveway pressure washing services, please contact us today!